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All proceeds raised from this site are considered donations and will be passed on to organizations like Advocates for Universal DPD Testing (AUDT) who are making strides to make testing for DPD/DPYD deficiency required prior to the start of chemotherapy with 5-FU (Fluorouracil) or Capecitabine (Xeloda).
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Tell people about StrongMom and sites like Advocates for Universal DPD Testing (AUDT). Help others by letting them know the risks of being DPD Deficient and getting chemotherapy treatment. Anyone you know who is diagnosed with cancer and is about to undergo chemotherapy should know about DPD Deficiency, which dramatically increases risk factors for 5-FU based chemotherapy... Click the social icons below and let your friends know.
Help make testing for DPD Deficiency a requirement prior to chemotherapy treatment
Send a letter to your state board of health and American Society of Clinical Oncologists demanding that patients are tested for DPD Deficiency prior to Chemotherapy treatment.
Visit AUDT to learn more
Visit Advocates for Universal DPD Testing (AUDT) who are making strides to make testing for DPD/DPYD deficiency required prior to the start of chemotherapy with 5-FU (Fluorouracil) or Capecitabine (Xeloda).